The TRC has many items that are meant for students and teachers to come in and preview as well as to check out and test in classrooms. With district approval, any teacher or therapist can check out equipment at any time to monitor a student's progress. Most items are available for a 30 day trial, unless otherwise specified. We try to have examples of everything that students may need in order to access curriculum. This includes:
* Software to support reading and writing challenges
* Portable writing devices
* AAC communication devices, both medium (recordable) and higher technology
* iPads with appropriate apps
* Environmental control - switch access
* Access tools, including switches and mounting systems
* Adapted curriculum to support reading, writing, math, science, and history
Unfortunately, we cannot lend equipment directly to parents for home use, unless directed in a student's IEP. All parents and families are welcome to come into the TRC at any time to preview any equipment, hardware, or software.