Technology Resource Center Marin

AT Consultation is a focused team meeting with identified IEP team members, the student and his/her family whose purpose is to identify targeted technology supports to address identified student needs.


IEP team members may be notified following this appointment when needed and appropriate for additional team involvement and support.

Open Labs

All trainings sponsored by the Technology Resource Center are FREE to educators, students, and parents/caregivers unless otherwise specified. We do not specifically teach to younger students, but anyone is welcome to attend.


The Technology Resource Center of Marin is a program of the Marin County Office of Education. Since 2001 we have served special education students in Marin, and have become an internationally acclaimed model for delivering the AT/AAC services our students need for living and learning. The TRC was created by Dedication to Special Education, a group of volunteer parents who raised the money and provided operating funds for our first five years. DSE continues to provide essential support, and we urge all parents to get involved!